Sunday, March 9 2025

Day: June 28, 2024


太守看着田博冠“将军今日饮了不少酒不如我这太守府歇息?” 田博冠晃晃悠悠起身酒气冲天而起面露酡红“太守说笑了将军酒醉心今日是将军第一次还需赶回大营不然日后被人钻了奏一将可没处说理去” “倒是官欠缺考虑了”太守闻言面露歉意然后看向玉独秀“不知道长?” 玉独秀一笑“今夜月色不错贫道欲要这城中趁着月看看衮洲夜市就不打扰大人了” “也好就不多留道长城中驿已经道长打好招呼道长可随时入住”太守道 “多谢”玉独秀抱拳一礼 “大人告辞咱们日见”田博冠醉醺醺向着太守打了个招呼转身离去 玉独秀面带笑意一步迈出缩地成寸来到了田博冠身边跟着田博冠向着外面走 缩地成寸乃是神通算不得大神通但却也不是普通神通乃是介于普通大神通随着修行者实力而定 多是修行者法力通天则一步咫尺天涯穷碧落黄泉也是轻而易举若是修浅薄一步迈出几步距离算是了不起了 玉独秀自然没有那种穷法力一步迈出大地脚缩短却是来到了几米外 于说玉独秀什么时候学会了缩地成寸? This is a part of Wuxing Avenue, which has its own magical powers. This shrinkage of Wuxing Avenue is naturally understood by Yu Duxiu and transported out naturally. Walking out of the gate of the Taishou Mansion, there are naturally accompanying soldiers holding […]

Equipment level 2 to 4

These three pieces of equipment can be said to be abnormal, and the deputy and cloak are extremely rare equipment parts, even the hammer that looks rare is actually a very rare one-handed heavy weapon. Heavy weapons are usually hammers, axes or epees, but these heavy weapons are usually two-handed weapons. It’s a blessing to […]

Shang Tanglian counted one, except for five people from her family who invited five. Ten beauties are not bad. Although people are ten beauties, cooking can’t be ten. It is impolite for guests because ten dishes were broken rice in ancient times. Of course, if the conditions are simple, it is six dishes.

In any case, we have to burn enough eleven dishes. In view of the fact that some old people have considered burning several soft glutinous dishes that old people like, such as taro, roast duck, cabbage, tofu pot, carrot, braised pork ribs, steamed eggs, braised beef and steamed fish. Although the elderly are suitable for […]